Sunday, August 9, 2009

Article on Leadership in Changing Times

I ran acoss a wonderful article in FastComany magazine that is an excellent short interview with Ron Heifetz, PhD on leadership. I must admit I am a super Heifetz fan, and who would not be. At 48 years old, he is director of the Leadership Education Project at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and is considered to be a great authority on impactful and meaningful leadership.

I was introduced to Heifetz by another professor, Dr. John Robinson, at Webster University where I am pursuing my doctoral degree. In Dr. Robsinson's class, we read Heifetz Leadership Without Easy Answers and his subsequent book with Lintz 'Leadership on the Line'. These two books were supplemented with 'Real Leadership' by Dean Williams, who expands on Heifetz's work. While reading these books, Dr. Robinson had us review our own leadership through the lens of what Heifetz calls 'adaptive leadership'. I must tell you, I learned much about myself, my strengths and my areas of opportunity in this short 9 weeks. I would suggest anyone interested in understanding how to become a better leader check these books out. They are packed with great information in easy to read chapters in a story type format.

Columnist William Taylor does a decent job of asking Heifetz questions that really summarize his theory on leadership and leave the reader wanting to know more about Heifetz work. He discusses the value of truly listening, making people uncomfortable, maintaining energy and more.

You will enjoy the read. Enjoy the article.

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